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    Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood Hits Keep Coming

    Assassin's Creed Brotherhood continues its barrage of quality media to rally the assassin within us all, this time by way of the story trailer. This cinematic treat illustrates the measure of art game development has risen to, rivaling and even bettering most big budget movie trailers. 

    The web is weaved between our protagonist, Ezio Auditore, and his rival, head of the Templars, Cesare Borgia. Shit is about to go down. Borgia amassed an army and has taken control of Rome, so Ezio is amassing an army to free it. Cause and effect my friends, cause and effect.

    We've been told that Assassin's Creed Brotherhood has become Ubisoft's most pre-ordered title to date, and there's still close to a month before the game releases. Between the multiplayer beta, the incredibly well produced trailers, and the constant press coverage, it's easy to believe AC:B will continue to build its pre-order record. Though more pre-orders mean more people will complain if the game doesn't deliver. Looks like we'll have to wait until next month to know for sure.

    Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood releases on November 16th.


    The of Tomorrow

    Today, Microsoft herald Major Nelson has announced some much needed changes for the clunky Taking effect sometime after 5am EST tomorrow, October 20th, the new will look something like this

    It only makes sense that Microsoft would update the tragically designed Xbox homepage to match the sleek new look of its Xbox 360 dashboard. Together with the sexy new appearance of the site, many new utilities will be added to complement the tweaks to some of the older function. Lists are professional looking, so here's an unordered one for that ass.

    • Browser based Avatar editor: Edit your avatar and preview avatar items before purchase
    • Combined views for messages, friend and game requests
    • Improved notification of your account subscription
    • Leverage Family Reports to understand what your family is doing and how they are using LIVE
    • Play web games with your Xbox LIVE friends on the web or on Windows Phone 7
    • Marketplace: More powerful search and more intuitive ways to browse and filter

    These changes will no doubt allow Xbox 360 supporters to feel more connected at all times, whether they be killing time between projects at work, or doping around on their new Windows Phone 7. Knowing a majority of 360 users though, they will probably be in grade school, on their $5,000 laptop, in between calling someone a racial slur or homosexual and listening to rap music, while describing to their friends how they totally pwnd last night's cycle of 5 Halo: Reach SWAT games in a row. Sigh, stay classy, kids.

    The New gallery


    Eight HD Minutes Of The End

    We previously showed you a nice chunk of Yakuza: Of The End in not so flattering standard def recorded straight from a presentation screen. Ghetto, but effective. Well, we can now replace that with a much nicer looking, slightly longer, still amazing cut of the latest entry in the Yakuza series.
    Let's be real, this game looks like mindless, ridiculous fun. Yes, I'm sick of zombies and you probably should be too, but I do enjoy me some Yakuza, so this pairing can't be all bad. Who knows, maybe we're in for the surprise of a halfway decent story, since the previous Yakuza titles are driven by above average writing. Just because zombies have been added, doesn't necessarily mean the game will lose its brains, right?
    Sign me up if only for the strip batting cages, Majima singing karaoke, and 50 Cent (at the 7:05 mark in the video, that's definitely him!)

    Malicious Japanese Release Date Set, Unconfirmed for US

    Playstation Network
    exclusive Malicious has been flying under most people's radars, unjustifiably so. The game looks beautiful, sounds like it plays solidly, and is an inexpensive downloadable title. Along with a new trailer, a date has been announced for the Japanese release; October 27th. That's next week yo!

    Priced at ¥800 (roughly $10 US) Malicious looks well worth the money spent. Updates on a stateside release remain few and far between, developers Alvion were last heard stating a US release is "being considered". Consider harder Alvion, Westerners need some boss-battlin', power-stealin', cape-smashin' action in our lives.

    via Andriasang


    Good Times, Hot Women, and a Whole Lot of Cosplay

    Yes, New York Comic Con is a little more than a week removed, but like most useful gifts, it just keeps on giving. This time in the form of what is probably a really expensive camera, a handycam rig, and some of Comic Con's most creative and good looking people. 

    Unfortunately, it seems like cosplay and vomit go hand in hand on the interwebz, with the best of the costumed quirks forever being drowned out by people who have no business being in a leotard, damn it. However terrible you may look prancing around the city, poured into a glamorous paper-maché Princess Peach gown, being gangsta entails doing something that you love and flipping haters the bird. So, have no choice but to salute you, awful cosplayers. However, once again, this post is about quality. So here it is.

    via Japanator


    NYCC10: It's a Wrap!

    New York Comic Con
    was extremely hectic, tiring, and a pain in the ass, but it was also an incredible amount of fun. We saw a lot of awesomeness and partook in a bunch of craziness, meeting some really dope people and learning interesting things along the way. Thanks for coming along on the ride with us. 

    If you weren't able to attend, we've tried to capture the three day experience into a two minute video for you to enjoy at home. Right, a little hard to convey a whole convention in 120 seconds, but I think this actually does it well. And you won't have to deal with any of the overwhelming crowds or non-stop standing and walking! Grab an ice cold adult beverage, lean back in your chair, settle in, and enjoy. 

    By the way, we're giving away two fucking sweet New York Comic Con Swag Bags. Getting one is easy, all you have to do is comment on this post with your favorite NYCC moment, either from our coverage, someone else's coverage, or a story you heard somewhere on the interwebz. Or you can just say 'I want free shit!' Either way, I'll be picking two commenters at random, make sure you supply your email address so you'll know if you win! The giveaway ends Friday October 22nd. Good luck gangstas!

    Update: Our giveaway is done and the winners have been notified! Thanks for participating, and make sure you keep it locked to OBG for more dope giveaways in the near future!


    NYCC10: Marvel; A Great Time to be a Bendis Fan

    Written by Kyle Wagner

    Over the years, Joe Quesada’s Cup O’ Joe panel has become a highlight at cons, as famous for fans’ willingness to pull no punches when face-to-face with Marvel’s Editor-in-Chief as for Quesada’s willingness to match fans’ snark with some good, old fashioned New York City snark of his own. While the panel typically contains some of the bigger Marvel announcements of the season, which is ostensibly why it draws such a big crowd, the unmitigated fan interaction rarely disappoints. This year was no exception.

    Click to read more ...


    The Force Unleashed II; Buy or Buy Not?

    As you should be aware of by now, Star Wars: The Force Unleashed II released a downloadable demo this week. The original Force Unleashed, while heavily flawed, was a blast to play. It made you feel like an all powerful Jedi/Sith surrounded by masses of mostly inferior enemies, allowing you to use your great power to dispatch of anyone foolish enough to stand against you with great fun and creativity. You also got to be part of one of the most compelling canon Star Wars stories we've seen in some time. Funny how all the best Star Wars content these days comes from everyone but Lucas himself. 

    TFU2 once again puts the player in control of StarkillerDarth Vader's secret apprentice. Uncontent to just let his fearsomely strong pupil die at the end of the first game, Vader has created clones of Starkiller who have all of his power, but also the uprising memories of the original. During a practice exercise, Starkiller's memories overwhelm him, preventing him from striking down his love, Juno Eclipse. Seeing this weakness, Vader plans to kill the nostalgic clone and start anew, but this Starkiller is smart. Sensing Vader's impending lightsaber to the chest, our clever carbon copy Jedi blasts his mentor back with Force lightning and flies the coop. Demo on.

    + The surprisingly decent story of the original Force Unleashed is expanded on
    + The powers make you truly feel like a fearsome disciple of the Force 
    + Destructible environments and unique enemy reactions always offers something fresh

    - Difficulty on normal felt way too easy
    - Dual sabers don't act much differently from a single saber
    - Bland stage design showcased in the demo
    - Something about the game experience feels empty

    Fans of the Star Wars universe should probably buy this game without asking any questions. Fans of a solid gaming experience, well that remains to be seen just yet. There is a lot of promise in the demo, but the stage the action is set on is a little unspectacular and disappointing. The full version of the game will no doubt have more exciting backdrops to torture stormtroopers, but will that empty feeling the game seems to have be filled?

    Star Wars: The Force Unleashed II releases on October 28th, 2010


    Will Black Ops One Up The Competition?

    Medal of Honor is trying to woo you with its edginess. Real soldiers overlooked the development process of the gritty war title, did ya know that? Also, they had a Taliban faction before those scheming politicians made them change the name. True story! So with all that MoH has going for it, how'd it do? Not too good. 

    Enter Black Ops. With Medal of Honor, Black Ops' primary competition in the gritty war action genre, receiving merely pedestrian reviews, it's time for Treyarch's Vietnam tale to take it's place atop the realistic war action genre. I've called it something different twice, should I just call it first person shooter genre? Eh, whatever. 

    The Modern Warfare games made for very cinematic single player experiences. Black Ops looks like it's going to take that and run with it. I mean, pistol on the table, ratty headband, Deer Hunter anyone?! If the game's intensity can be anything close to that brilliantly suspenseful Russian roulette scene, Treyarch will have won my heart. 


    This Super Meat Boy Commercial is Deliciously 90's

    Super Meat Boy
    is one of those games I feel like I've been hearing about for years but has never quite come around. The quirky art style, colorful characters, and punishing platforming are a recipe for success. Every time the latest Super Meat Boy news leaks, I felt like I was being teased and led on. I just want to play the game already!

    Well, the time has just about come, as the indie gem with Newgrounds roots is right around the corner, less than a week from release. A talented individual has decided to take the marketing for Super Meat Boy into his own hands, creating an hip and egdy (for the time) 90's retro commercial. I hope these throwback commercials continue their popularity, because they're awesome.

    This home-brewed ad is the last straw for me. I need some Meat Boy in my life. In case the thought of playing as a Meat Wad (no relation) is a little repulsive to you, the developers got your back. Somehow, they've managed to squeeze in tons of characters from other indie games, such as Tim from Braid, Ninja from N+, Gish, Alien Hominid, and a Castle Crashers Knight, each with their own special powers. 

    Oh yeah, replay value and multiple ways to take on the platforming. Team Meat knows what we like, and they're going to give it to us come October 20th.